
Sunday, 1 December 2013

Department of Information Technology & Computer Science

From this department, when you enter degree, you can either choose between two choices :

Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons)(Information Systems)

There is currently an urgent need in our society for graduates with education and experience in Information Systems and opportunities for professionals trained in state-of-the-art information technology.

What is Information Systems?
Information systems are combinations of hardware, software, and telecommunications networks that people build and use to collect, create, and distribute useful data, information, and knowledge, typically in organisational settings. Organisations use information systems for a variety of reasons: to gain competitive advantage, reach more customers, or improve service.  

What is an Information Systems (IS) Professional?
The term IS also refers to the field comprising those who design, develop, use, manage, and study information systems in organisations. It is important to recognise that nearly every industry, not just computer hardware and software companies, relies heavily on IS professionals.

Career options?
The IS field includes people in organisations who design and build systems, those who use these systems, and those responsible for managing these systems. 
An array of career opportunities are available, including: systems analysts, systems programmers, systems operators, business analysts, database administrators, and systems managers. And, perhaps for some, chief information officer!

Study Duration?
Three (3) years duration or nine (9) semesters of full-time study

Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons)(Graphics & Multimedia)  

What is Graphic & Multimedia? 
Students will learn core Information Technology modules, the study will concentrate on Artificial Intelligence, Operating systems concepts & Image Processing & computer vision.

  • In addition to the above students may take an in-depth look at aspects of Game Design, Computer-Based Training & Development, Computer Animation, Simulation and Audio & Video Technology as elective subjects. Students will also undertake an individual project investigating an application of graphics or multimedia technology.
  • Students will gain a solid understanding of the hardware and software aspects of capturing, storing and manipulating sound and images in a digital form. Students will explore the techniques involved in producing their own creative digital media

Study Duration?
Three (3) years duration or nine (9) semesters of full-time study

Career options?
Graduates from our College have the flexibility to choose to be in various career paths in ICT including Computer Scientist, System Analyst, Programmer, Software Engineer, Web Master, Web Designer, Network Administrator, System Designer, Project Manager, Lecturer, Database Designer and Administrator to name a few.

 Some of the visual graphics the student from Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons)(Graphics & Multimedia) made.

From this department, when you enter degree, you can either choose between two choices :

These two programs offered are actually almost basically the same

Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons)(Software Engineering)

What is Software Engineering?
This programme has been designed carefully to generate professionals in software engineering. Our curricula are a combination of various aspects of technical, soft skills and ethics. In technical aspects the subjects cover areas such as software project management, programming, information security, secure programming, human computer interaction, software testing, software engineering, JAVA programming

Study Duration?
Three (3) years duration or nine (9) semesters of full-time study. 

Career Options?
Graduates from our College have the flexibility to choose to be in various career paths in ICT e.g. Computer Scientist, System Analyst, Programmer, Software Engineer, Web Master, Web Designer, Network Administrator, System Designer, Project Manager, Lecturer, Database Designer and Administrator to name the few. 

Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons)(Systems & Networking)

What is Systems & Networking?
This programme has been designed carefully to generate professionals in software engineering. Our curricula are a combination of various aspects of technical, soft skills and ethics. In technical aspects the subjects cover areas such as software project management, programming, information security, secure programming, human computer interaction, software testing, software engineering, JAVA programming. On top of that object oriented, artificial intelligence, computer networks, operating systems, discrete structures, database subjects are also covered as they are the foundation subjects in computer science. 

Study Duration?
Three (3) years duration or nine (9) semesters of full-time study.

Career Options?
Graduates from our College have the flexibility to choose to be in various career paths in ICT e.g. Computer Scientist, System Analyst, Programmer, Software Engineer, Web Master, Web Designer, Network Administrator, System Designer, Project Manager, Lecturer, Database Designer and Administrator to name the few.

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